Anti-Aging Drugs: From Basic Research to Clinical Practice by Alexander M Vaiserman (2017)

Aging is a natural phenomenon that is peculiar to all living things. However, accumulating findings indicate that senescence could be postponed or prevented by certain approaches. Substantial evidence has emerged supporting the possibility of radical human health and lifespan extension, in particular through pharmacological modulation of aging. [Read More]

An Introduction to Statistical Learning: With Applications in R by Gareth James (2013)

An Introduction to Statistical Learning provides an accessible overview of the field of statistical learning, an essential toolset for making sense of the vast and complex data sets that have emerged in fields ranging from biology to finance to marketing to astrophysics in the past twenty years. [Read More]

A brief history of artificial intelligence: What It Is, Where We Are, and Where We Are Going by Michael Wooldridge (2022)

From Oxford’s leading AI researcher comes a fun and accessible tour through the history and future of one of the most cutting edge and misunderstood field in science: Artificial Intelligence. The somewhat ill-defined long-term aim of AI is to build machines that are conscious, self-aware, and sentient; machines capable of the kind of intelligent autonomous action that currently only people are capable of. [Read More]

Compiling with Continuations by Andrew W. Appel (2023)

This book demonstrates the application of continuation-passing style as an intermediate representation for performing optimizations and program transformations. Continuations serve as a versatile tool for compiling a wide range of programming languages. [Read More]

An Introduction to Formal Language Theory that Integrates Experimentation and Proof by STOUGHTON (2005)

Since the 1930s, the subject of formal language theory, also known as au- tomata theory, has been developed by computer scientists, linguists and mathematicians. (Formal) Languages are set of strings over finite sets of symbols, called alphabets, and various ways of describing such languages have been developed and studied, including regular expressions (which “generate” languages), finite automata (which “accept” languages), grammars (which “generate” languages) and Turing machines (which “accept” languages). [Read More]

A primer on pseudorandom generators by Oded Goldreich (2010)

This introduction to the theory of pseudorandomness offers a fresh perspective on the concept of randomness, rooted in a complexity-theoretic approach. At its core, this approach posits that a distribution is considered random (or pseudorandom) if no efficient procedure can distinguish it from the uniform distribution. [Read More]

Automata And Computability by Dexter Kozen (1997)

This textbook aims to offer undergraduate students an introduction to the fundamental theoretical models of computability, delving into the diverse and intricate structure of these models. It caters to students with some background in elementary discrete mathematics, presenting a well-paced initial course with additional chapters introducing more advanced concepts. [Read More]

An introduction to the mathematics of money by David Lovelock (2007)

This undergraduate textbook explores fundamental aspects of personal savings and investing, offering a well-balanced blend of mathematical rigor and economic intuition. Rather than assuming elementary real analysis, the book employs routine financial calculations as both motivation and the foundation for elementary real analysis tools. [Read More]

Introduction to The design and Analysis of Algorithms (3rd ed.). Solutions manual by Anany Levitin (2011)

Solutons manual to “Introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms (3rd ed.)” by Anany Levitin (2011). A-must-have book to aquire a solid knowledge in theory of computation. Solve as much as possible and check your solution. [Read More]

Fundamentals of Trace and Log Analysis: A Pattern-Oriented Approach to Monitoring, Diagnostics, and Debugging by Dmitry Vostokov (2023)

This book will help you analyze traces and logs from different software environments and communicate analysis results using a pattern language that covers everything from a small debugging log to a distributed trace with billions of messages from hundreds of computers, thousands of software components, threads, and processes. [Read More]